Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial
Vol. 05 Ano 1999
Generalists or specialists? Teacher’s formation and Special Educational needs
José Geraldo Silveira Bueno
Didatic procedures for the “special” in the teaching of the mental faulty: on the way to the dialogue
Fabiany de Cássia Tavares Silva
The interpretation of written language by children with intellectual disa bilities
Rita Vieira de Figueiredo Boneti
Teacher’s social representations regarding students with Down Syndrome in Rio de Janeiro
Edson A. de Souza Filho; Angel B. Durandegui
School integration of the Down Syndrome: a study about the perception of the educators
Lúcia de Araújo Ramos Martins
Mental deficiency and social integration: the mother’s intermediary function
Miguel C. M. Chacon
Support-parents training
Solange L. Ferreira; Cynthia B. Moura; Rosemarie E. Abreu
A view of the Asperger’s Syndrome in the perspective of YL.S. Vygotsky
Maria Stela de A. Albuquerque Bergo
Graduate studies in Special Education: critical analysis of master thesis
Leila Regina D’Oliveira de Paula Nunes; Júlio Romero Ferreira; Rosana Glat; Enicéia Gonçalves Mendes
The ghallenges of Special Education, the National Plan of Education and brazilian universities
Leny Magalhães Mrech